Friday, March 08, 2013

It's Friday

Loaded sermon. Emphatically good attitudes. . . So many Muslims with beards, hijab, and all that can be traced to a Muslim whenever you see one is present with them. Admirable, but when you move closer to them, in businesses, homes, or public interactions you will begin to ask what effect does their look have on them. Some are purely fashionista some not but do not understand the tenet of Islam they practice. While Islam prescribes a dress code of not being a social nuisance, and not contributing to evil on earth, it is not all about the dress and appearance, attitude is key. Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W)is the best of all mankind as revealed in the Holy Qoran because of his attitudes. And Imam continues . . . Islamic channel . . . Back home as I lay back trying to relax and regain momentum to continue the task I left undone before leaving for Masjid, I tuned in to Islamic channel to have a glimpse of the activities of the glorious day, guess what, same topic was discussed. . . Show people people what Islam is not with your look but your attitudes. Thank you Imam for today's sermon, you hitted the nail just on the head and to that I say Jazakum Lahu Khaeran. As-salam alykun and jumat kareem.