Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hu Bash!

All the work just went with dust. Sometimes, you don't get to appreciate some happenings until it has actually happen to you. You know the saying before you criticise people, put yourself in their shoes, slippers, sandals whatever, just wear anything, or, lend or borrow their 'waka waka' leg, walk a mile and by that time, you will know how it feels and, you will be a mile distance away. Most of the time when we encounter failure or disappointment from external object, we often felt irritated and probably, be the first to react, perhaps in a soft tone or in rage; though with mix reaction, guess I fall in the latter category. Gbam! But with this, hunhun, I will henceforth be a fact finder. Chei, grammar! For anyone that have visited this blog page recently would have simply retorted why having a blog when you can't post anything. Neigh, not like that fellas, I was trying to tune-up my site and, mysteriously or mistakenly I detonated the bomb. Gboom, and, everything was off. Felt skunked but was a big lesson; never criticise other people blindly. Indeed the saying that never test the depth of a river with both feet can never be more true. Guess I did but thank God I did not drown. It was actually a big bash. Hu!